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Ingrown Nails

An Ingrown nail can turn into a serious health issue if it becomes infected. Learn here about the causes, preventive measures, and treatment for ingrown nails.

Ingrown nails may seem like a minor issue, but they can be dangerous if they become infected. These nails will cut into the skin located around your nail bed and cause severe pain and discomfort. If you have an ingrown nail, contact our experts here at Diablo Foot and Ankle located at Bass Medical Group. Our board-certified Podiatrists have the knowledge and skills needed to treat acute and chronic cases of ingrown nails. We will also provide you with more information on preventing toenail ingrown issues in the future.

What Is an Ingrown Nail?

An ingrown nail is a common condition that occurs in the toes. Typically, you will end up with an ingrown toenail when the nail begins to cut into the skin located around your nail instead of growing naturally straight and flat. In most cases, the big toe is the one that will end up with an ingrown nail; however, an ingrown nail can occur on any toe.

What Causes Ingrown Nail Toe Issues?

Individuals who have toenails that curve naturally are more likely to end up with ingrown toenail pain and discomfort. If you fail to properly cut your toenails, such as cutting them on a curve or too short, you will increase your risk of developing ingrown nails. Also, wearing shoes that are too tight around the toe area can increase your chances of having ingrown nails. This due to the pressure that shoes put on your toes, which will cause the nails to grow into your skin over time.

How Do I Prevent Ingrown Nails?

There are several things you can do to prevent the occurrence of ingrown toenails.

  • Trim your toenails straight in a line, and do not curve the nails based on the shape of your toe.
  • Keep your toenails at a moderate length. Be sure to trim them so that they remain even with the tops of your toes
  • Always wear shoes that fit correctly and are not too tight across the toes
  • Wear protective footwear as needed
  • Check your feet regularly for any issues

What Is the Cure for Ingrown Nails?

If this is the first time you’ve experienced an ingrown toenail, it may be possible to treat it at home, as long as there are no signs of any infections. Allow your feet to soak in warm water for around 20 minutes. Then after they have soaked, dry your feet thoroughly and gently lift the nail out of the nail bed. You can support it using a cotton ball, allowing the nail to grow straight once again.

If you are experiencing too much pain or have noticed an infection with your ingrown nail, you must see a podiatrist as soon as possible for treatment. If you simply don’t feel comfortable treating your ingrown nail on your own, our Podiatrists here at Diablo Foot and Ankle will be happy to help.

Treatment for Ingrown Nails

Our Podiatrists at Diablo Foot and Ankle will provide minimally invasive treatment options for your ingrown nail, depending on the severity and chronicity of the nail problem.  The most common treatment option is a procedure called a partial nail avulsion, wherein after local anesthesia is provided, a thin margin along the ingrowing side of the toenail is resected to relieve symptoms immediately. This procedure is performed in the office, and can be performed at the time of the initial visit. It usually takes no longer than 10 minutes, and allows for returning to full activity the next day. 

If you tend to get ingrown toenails often, have a medical condition that affects your circulation or feeling in your feet, or if your ingrown nail fails to respond to any treatment at home, you should get in touch with our Podiatrists at the first sign of an ingrown nail. We will be happy to assist you as quickly as we can so that you can go back to living your life pain-free. 

Get in contact with our board-certified Podiatrists here at Diablo Foot and Ankle today to discuss your treatment options for ingrown toenails. A member of our team will determine the severity of your ingrown nail and come up with a treatment option that works best for your situation. 


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“I saw Dr. Elmi after a motorcycle accident that left my foot totally useless he was not only very knowledgeable what did a great job and give me back on my feet thank you unfortunately I am in need of his Services again it is so comforting to know I have such a skilled podiatrist taking care of me thanks again!”


“Dr. Elmi is very knowledgeable, kind, and works quickly.”


“I was amazed at how knowledgeable, kind, and quickly he solved my problem of having a callus on the bottom of my foot - I had seen a couple of other podiatrists - one being at UCSF - and neither of them seemed to know what to do to stop the pain.  My son had used Dr. Elmi and highly recommended him and being very tired of limping around in pain all the time, and without much hope, decided to at least try one more doctor.  As I said at the beginning of this review, I could hardly believe how quickly and easily he not only got rid of the pain but showed me exactly what was causing it and exactly what insert to get and where to get it (REI).  I've been just fine every since and we're so lucky to have Dr. Elmi right here in Strawberry/Mill Valley - he's the best!”


“Thoughtful.  Listened. Took care of my foot problem.  Will be glad to see him again when needed.”


“I went and saw Dr. Elmi for my heel pain, and am VERY happy with the care I received. I had seen 2 other docs in the area, and they never even took the time to explain what was going on, Plantar Fasciitis. Dr. Elmi explained in detail why I was in so much pain, and showed pictures of the anatomy and everything made perfect sense. I happy to say that after initiating his course of care, I was back to running within 2 weeks, and felt like I got my life back. I found out later from my primary care that he is actually the Chief of Foot & Ankle Surgery at Marin General Hospital, makes sense..he's a great doc, highly recommend him!”


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