4 Reasons to Not Let Toenail Fungus Go Untreated

There is nothing fun about toenail fungus. It’s a worrisome issue that many face at one point in their life or another. At surface value, toenail fungus might seem like a purely cosmetic issue. It certainly doesn’t look great, and it can lead to a great deal of discomfort at its onset. Left unattended though, this fungal infection can lead to various side effects that can have hazardous repercussions to an afflicted individual's health. Let’s take a look at what toenail fungus is, what it can lead to, and what can be done to stop it.
Fungal Nail Treatments
Thankfully, developing a case of this foot-focused fungus is not the end of the world. There are a solid amount of treatments to choose from, in case you find yourself facing a case of toenail fungal infection. The first line of treatment you can choose from is to focus on hygiene. This includes regular foot scrubs, keeping nails regularly trimmed, changing socks throughout the day, keeping your feet ventilated, and avoiding nail polish. The second method of attack could be to seek medical assistance, such as with ClearANail. This method uses a micro drill to allow the medicine to directly hit the infected area. A final option to consider is lasers. Laser technology has developed to yield a large amount of uses, one of which can be to get rid of foot fungus. It can pass through the damaged and thickened nail to directly target the infected area. These are all great options, but why should you stay on top of the problem if it arises?
The first reason to stay on top of treating this kind of infection is the discomfort. Toenail fungus infections start out by thickening and distorting the top layer of the afflicted toenail. This can make it difficult to go about daily business without being painfully aware of your feet at any given moment.
The next reason to start treatment as soon as possible is the discoloration that comes with a toenail fungus infection. As the infection worsens, the thickened toenail will start to develop an off-white, yellow, and in serious cases, green-ish tint. This not only looks unpleasant, but acts as a precursor to worse issues down the line.
Foul Odor
This next reason stinks, and no, that’s not just a metaphor. Toenail fungus will eventually start to omit an awful odor. This is much worse than simply having stinky feet after a day of physical activity. It can be unavoidable for your nose and those around you, and make it impossible to comfortably do anything barefoot. This odor is also a sign that things are getting to a severe degree. Untreated fungal infections may not be fatal, but this does not mean that they don’t have horrible long lasting effects.
Pain and Permanent Damage
If those reasons weren’t enough, if things persist far enough, it could result in irreversible side effects. A severe enough case of a toenail fungal infection could lead to pain and permanent damage to the toenail. As the infection progresses, it starts to break down the membrane of the afflicted toenail. The toenail will start to crumble and deteriorate. As this happens, broken down material starts to build up, producing a dark color on the nail. This weakened state leaves the toenail more prone to being hurt or damaged, on top of the already subsequent pain that comes with an infection this bad.
For more information on how to stay on top of a toenail fungus infection and various fungal nail treatments, visit us at Diablo Foot and Ankle.
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