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Laser Treatment for Fungal Nails: What to Expect During the Treatment

Dr. Eman Elmi
December 16, 2021
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At Diablo Foot and Ankle, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality laser treatment solutions for fungal toenail infections. Laser treatment is a safe, effective, and proven method for removing toenail fungus without medication or applying topical chemicals. We use state-of-the-art technology to provide our patients with the best fungal toenail treatment available.

If you start to notice thick, brittle, and discolored toenails, it may be a sign that you have developed toenail fungus, and it’s best to consult with a licensed professional to explore the best treatment options. As a fungal toenail infection worsens, it can cause painful, crumbling toenails.

What Happens During the Initial Consultation?

Once you schedule a consultation for fungal toenail treatment, our team will evaluate the extent of the infection and start to develop a comprehensive treatment plan. After we have created a treatment plan, we will determine the schedule and amount of treatment sessions to make sure we completely remove your toenail fungus.

This initial consultation also gives you time to ask any questions you may have and helps you understand why fungal nail laser treatment is the best option. We stay at the cutting edge of laser treatment for fungal toenails and strive to give our patients a clear understanding of how this procedure works, as well as why we have determined this to be the best option.

How Many Laser Treatment Sessions Should I Expect?

To completely kill the fungal infection, the standard treatment requires three sessions, with two weeks or one month between laser treatments, depending on the severity of the infection. In some cases, one or two additional sessions may be required. Each session lasts roughly twenty minutes, depending on the number of affected toenails, and is entirely painless.

Fungal toenail laser treatment works by passing the laser over the infected toenail, killing the fungus at its source. You may feel a slight warming of the nail, which is normal, but there should not be pain or discomfort.

Is Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails an Invasive Procedure?

No. One of the reasons we use the GenesisPlus laser treatment is because it’s completely non-invasive and 100% FDA approved. Because there is no direct contact with the skin, fungal toenail laser treatment is the safest, most effective solution. Additionally, unlike invasive procedures, most patients see positive improvements after the first session.

How Long Will It Take to see Healthy Toenails?

This varies on a number of factors, including the severity of the infection, the number of infected toenails, and how many sessions are required to treat the fungal toenails. Because nail fungi are resilient, it resists treatment until it is completely eradicated. Damaged nails can take up to twelve months to return to healthy, clear nail growth, even if the fungal infection has been fully treated.

Because the toenail has suffered damage due to the infection, it requires a more significant amount of time to repair itself following fungal toenail laser treatment. If you feel you do not see the results you expected or believe that your infection is lingering, consult with a licensed professional.

You Don’t Have to Live with Fungal Toenails

Call Diablo Foot and Ankle today to schedule a consultation. If you have any questions, talk to our professional, licensed staff, who can walk you through the entire fungal toenail laser treatment procedure. You don’t have to live with brittle, cracked toenails thanks to our painless, non-invasive, and proven laser treatments. Give us a call now at 925-464-1982 to set up an initial consultation. Take the first step towards healthy feet!

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